Evaluations, Observations, and Self Assessments

PDExpress includes an integrated and comprehensive Classroom Observation, Teacher Evaluation and Self Assessment system. This integration makes it easy to link evaluations to professional development and personal goals.

Teacher Observation Guided Tour

Teacher Evaluation Guided Tour

Teacher Evaluations

Classroom Observations

Self Assessments


    • Create custom rubrics and forms for evaluations, observations and self assessments.
    • Works with the Apple iPAD (iOS6+)
    • Easily import any state published rubrics.
    • PDExpress is completely open and customizable allowing you to utilize any teaching framework or model (i.e., Marzano, Danielson, Stronge, state created, etc.).
    • Assign alpha-numeric (weighted) values to rubrics for reporting and summarization.
    • Integrates with Professional Development data (Goals, Plans, Workshops, Credentials, etc.)
    • Supports up to 9 levels of electronic routing for teacher self assessments.
    • Automatically notifies routing recipients via email that they have self assessments to review.
    • Teachers are automatically notified via email when their observations and evaluations are complete.
    • Attach documentation to evaluations, observations and self assessments
    • Export evaluation, self assessment and observation results directly into Excel format.